

CofE Primary School

Warcop CofE Primary School

Imagine. Believe. Achieve.

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Mrs Metcalf and Mrs Golding

Class 1’s Spring Half Term Homework

Look all around you for 2D and 3D shapes, at home, when you are outside playing, at the shops, etc. 

Draw pictures or take photographs of the shapes you find to share with us at school. Look for squares, circles, rectangles, triangles, cubes, cuboids, spheres and pyramids. 

We hope that the weather is good and that you can look for lots of shapes in the natural world. Spring is on its way!

Class 1 Teachers.smiley

A very special visitor!

Tree planting with Mr G.

Our Beanstalk topic! Can you tell your parents about each picture?

Action Ants came to play Tri Golf with us!

Learning about capital letters.

Sunbeam’s Keith last singing session.

African Computer pictures created using 2simple ☺️

Sewing Christmas decorations.

Getting ready for Christmas.

Please learn these words for our Christingle song.

A Sandy session. Soup and cheese straws. Yum!

Nous apprenon le français!

Marvellous Mountain Rescue volunteers!

Class 1’s October Half Term Homework

Use your senses of sightsmell and touch to find beautiful natural objects in your environment and create a picture of yourself, your family and friends or your home. Listenwhilst you are outside, to the super sounds all around. DO NOT TASTE anything, however! 

You can draw what you have created or email a picture of your art work to the school office using  and we can look at it on the class computer. 

We’ve got the whole World in OUR hands.

Meera and James played amazing music for us!

We had an important assembly with two ladies from the NSPCC.

Not everyone Iives in a house like ours.

Our songs

Our first trip- The Tour of Britain.

Making our own resources.

Painting Paradise.
