

CofE Primary School

Warcop CofE Primary School

Together we celebrate our individuality, supporting each other to learn, grow and flourish.
" We lift our eyes to the hills, from where does my help come?" Psalm 121

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Open Day Report

"A really grand open day. Impressed with all I saw and had explained to me."


"Students very informative about classes, topics and what goes on. Explained, very clearly, things that were new to me. The school itself feels extremely happy school."


"A lovely opportunity to show friends and family around the school. We were all impressed with the quality and variety of equipment available to all the children. As always it is great to see a professional yet friendly attitude expressed by both pupils and teachers alike."


"Thank you for a very informative afternoon. All the pupils were very helpful and polite. It's such a happy school."


"Thank you for showing us around. The pupils were very knowledgeable and polite."


"Super tour guides and the school looks excellent."


"School looked great, the children all were behaved and happy! Fantastic guides"


"Thank you to the pleasant, informative young ladies that showed me around the school, what a credit to the school! Fantastic school!"


"The pupils who took me on the tour were very enthusiastic about their school. It was nice to see the school in action and how it functions. I am very happy that my child is here."


"Great to be able to come into school to see what the kids in each class are working on. Lovely displays on the walls in each classroom." 


"Very informative and interesting. Excellent tour guides who were very knowledgeable! Nice to see 'behind the scenes' and watch our children in the school environment."


"A very good and informative tour."


A very thoughtful and wonderful tour. Each class was explained very well and how your lovely school works. It was lovely to visit and see such vibrant classrooms. Thank you."

