

CofE Primary School

Warcop CofE Primary School

Together we celebrate our individuality, supporting each other to learn, grow and flourish.
" We lift our eyes to the hills, from where does my help come?" Psalm 121

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Class 2


Our Class

Class 2 Timetable

Science week!

Our spring topic will be Rainforests! In this cross curricular topic we will take a closer look at the mysteries of the tropical rainforests. From the layers of the rainforests to its animal inhabitants, to the unique climate found in the tropics. We will compare a British forest with the Amazon rainforest, and begin to explore some conservation issues surrounding the destruction of rainforest habitats. In English we will be creating animal poetry; writing postcards and formal persuasive letters to a plantation owner. Below is the knowledge organiser which will support the children during this topic, it also includes the key vocabulary we will be learning.

Amazonia school trip

Layers of the rainforest!

Coding an Ozobot

Creating an Ozobot rollercoaster

Still image for this video
The children have worked extremely hard over the Spring term to learn how to use and code an Ozobot. They then used all the skills they had learnt over the term to create their very own rollercoaster for an Ozobot.

WW2 display

Our topic this term (Autumn 2), is WW2. I'm really excited to start this topic, we will learn when and why World War II began and find out about the key individuals and countries involved. In addition to this, we will discover what it was like for people on the home front and how they contributed to the war effort; the roles and responsibilities of the men and women who served in the British armed forces; explore the significance of the Battle of Britain; participate in wartime songs, dances and games and develop a sense of awareness and appreciation when learning about different commemorative events. Below are two links for the children to explore at home with videos and facts all about WW2. 

Science - Investigating our local habitat

Our topic this term is - China! We will be exploring where China is in the world and learning about their culture and famous landmarks. Below is a grid with some of the key vocabulary we will be using. 



Follow this link to read '30 cool facts about China' on the Nat Geo website:

Chinese cooking

Forest School fun!

Useful links 
