

CofE Primary School

Warcop CofE Primary School

Together we celebrate our individuality, supporting each other to learn, grow and flourish.
" We lift our eyes to the hills, from where does my help come?" Psalm 121

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Miss Simpson 2016-2017

                    Welcome to Class 3's page

STEM robotics workshop

Eden Rivers Trust

What a fantastic few days Class 3 have had with the Eden Rivers Trust! On day 1 we learnt so many interesting facts about our local river including: where the river Eden begins and ends; the wildlife which live in and around the river; we investigated what makes a good field to avoid water pollution and what is good/bad for the river. On day 2 we went on a field trip to the river, we were extremely lucky with the weather - it was a beautiful day to appreciate our local environment! The children took part in river dipping, natural art and river sketches. Class 3 all agreed the opportunity gave them a better understanding of how to care for the river Eden and what we can do to protect the wildlife which inhabit the Eden. Class 3 then shared their learning with the school the following day which they planned and structured independently. Well done Class 3!

Nativity lanterns

Spellbinding 2017

Class 3 and 4 are taking part in Spellbinding, the Cumbrian Primary School's book award. The aim of this is to create enthusiasm and excitement about books and encourage reading for pleasure. There are 10 books to choose from which cover a range of genres and reading levels. Each child is given a reading "passport" and receives the book related sticker each time they finish a book. A key element of the book award is the website where children can post reviews and ratings of the books. The award closes at the end of the Easter holidays.



