

CofE Primary School

Warcop CofE Primary School

Together we celebrate our individuality, supporting each other to learn, grow and flourish.
" We lift our eyes to the hills, from where does my help come?" Psalm 121

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Mrs Farmer and Miss Walton

'Wonderful World' cooking with Sandy

It's Summer term already and it's going to be a great term filled with plenty of exciting learning in Class 2. Below is our curriculum coverage for this half term: 


Topic Art Music IT PE RE Science
Wonderful World Art Journeys Music through the ages Scratch Junior 



Who was Buddha? Plants 


Pizza Fraction Boxes

School trip to Manchester

 During spring term we have our first BIG topic, this will be a cross-curricular approach to teaching topic and will cover: history, geography, English, art, D&T and IT. Our BIG topic in class 2 is Ancient Egypt; during the term we will be learning about their daily life; Gods & Goddesses; mummies; Tutankhamun and the geography of the River Nile. We hope this approach will deepen the children's learning and enjoyment of the topic. 


Science Topic/Art/IT RE PE
Everyday materials Ancient Egypt 

Christian worship


The role of the church


Quick sticks



Maths Board Games

Sensational Safari! 

This term our topic is 'Sensational Safari'; the class have been transported to Kenya where we have explored and discovered the national parks, African animals, Maasai warriors and the landscape of this thrilling country. This week we have made traditional African masks and we were very lucky to have Mrs Baker in to give us all a Kenyan experience which included singing traditional songs and tasting some of their local dishes. We are also linking our writing to our topic this term; we are in the process of writing some persuasive travel leaflets for Kenya which will be on display at the end of the term. Parents are more than welcome to come in and take a peek; the children are very proud of their leaflets! 

Welcome back Class 2 

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and you are all eager to start the new school year. We have a very exciting first term in Class 2; below you will find a table of what we will cover:

Art Science Topic IT PE RE
Autumn Animals including humans Crime & punishment  Word processing skills Swimming Why should we care for the world?

