

CofE Primary School

Warcop CofE Primary School

Together we celebrate our individuality, supporting each other to learn, grow and flourish.
" We lift our eyes to the hills, from where does my help come?" Psalm 121

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Mrs Metcalf and Mrs Golding 2017-2018

😃 Welcome to Class 1. 😃

Cute quacking visitors!

A Mouse Party!

Mouse Adventure

We are enjoying our new areas, the 'Small World' and 'The Workshop'!

Wild Winter Weather!

Spring Term 2

We are really enjoying MokyFit every Tuesday!

All work and no play!

Baking day was a delicious success!

Don't worry! We're here. Look at how busy we have been.

Look at our displays to see all the super work we've done.

Remembrance Day - 99 years since the end of World War 1.

Busy builders.

Autumnal Landscape

People who help us

Army Discipline.

Still image for this video
Captain Gething, the paramedic, retained fire fighter and Captain in the army reserves, put the children through a drill. They learnt to stand at ease, stand to attention, march and salute.