

CofE Primary School

Warcop CofE Primary School

Together we celebrate our individuality, supporting each other to learn, grow and flourish.
" We lift our eyes to the hills, from where does my help come?" Psalm 121

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School Council

Warcop School Council 2024-2025


Warcop C of E School Council 

The Warcop School Council is made up of 12 individuals across the year groups 1-6. They are voted in by the school pupils after giving a presentation in a school assembly about why they want to be a Councillor. This shows great courage and endurance to stand up  and do this in front of the whole school and staff.  The Councillors give their time to organising and managing fundraising and community action events within school, throughout the school year.  Events in the past have included Red Nose Day, Comic Relief, promoting Anakoma Outreach in Ghana, organising Mental Health Week, Tidy Friday, Tuck Shop, Suggestion Book, Lunch time comments book 


Tuck Shop


The School Council assist with the Tuck Shop at morning break on a rota basis. Tuck shop offers healthy snacks which parents pay up front on a termly basis of £10 a term. There is a core offering of Tuck with occasional extras added as special treats. The core offering is:


Raisins, rice cakes, apricots, cheese - all gluten and nut free


Tidy Friday


The School Council are busy with their Tidy Friday project every week in school. This is run by a rota of Councillors who ask volunteers to help clean up the litter around the school.  House points are awarded for commitment and good effort




The School Council meets most Mondays at lunch time to discuss school business and make suggestions to improve and move forward positively as a whole school and celebrate achievements. At one of the early meetings the School Council agree how the meetings will be conducted and draw up a set of rules.


Once a year the School Council meet with the Governors to discuss their roles and responsibilities and how to ensure individuals can continue to learn, grow and flourish at Warcop C of E Primary School. 


School Council 2023-2024

School Council 2022-2023
