

CofE Primary School

Warcop CofE Primary School

Together we celebrate our individuality, supporting each other to learn, grow and flourish.
" We lift our eyes to the hills, from where does my help come?" Psalm 121

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Miss Chapman

Shakespearean Sonnets

Shakespeare’s Sonnets

Shakespeare’s Sonnets

Shakespeare’s Sonnets

Active maths!

Romeo and Juliet- abstract art!

Class 4 assembly.

Mindfulness yoga!

World Book Day 2022

05.02.22 beautiful minds awards.

05.02.22 beautiful minds awards.

05.02.22 beautiful minds awards.

21.01.22 beautiful minds awards.

Titanic timelines 🚢

Harry Potter Yoga!

Beautiful minds award 14/01/21

Beautiful minds grow here...

Christingle - ‘The Grinch’

Still image for this video

Melting snowmen biscuits

Christmas treats.

Creating Globes!

Forest Fun!

English Deforestation Working Wall.

Our Local Area- practical field work using their own compass.

Measuring Angles

Wheelchair Basketball

Area and Perimeter Fun on the Yard!

World Book Day/Shakespeare Day

In Class 4, we had a brilliant day focusing on the Shakespeare play of Macbeth. Please look at our pictures and enjoy our videos acting out the opening scene with the witches in Macbeth.  The children only had 10 minutes to practise their scenes, so I think they have done very well! 



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Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Zoom with a Local Farm 


Linked to our WW2 topic and Mathematics we have had a Zoom session this week and last week with a local farm. During these sessions we have looked at how live on a farm would have been different during WW2 and now. Mrs Ellis, Mr Ellis and their son Tom Ellis, have also set the children challenges to complete - this week the children had to create a graph showing the growth of a calf. They also set us a maths challenge - this is currently a work in progress! 

Alan Turing Presentation 3

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Alan Turing Presentation 2

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Alan Turing Presentation 1

Still image for this video

Displays In Class

We Will Remember Them, November 2020

Watch the Rememberance Day video Reverend Clive Hicks has put together with contributions from various local primary schools. Watch out for the winners of our poetry competition performing their pieces!



In RE we have been looking at the 99 names of Allah in the Islamic religion. The children were all given a name each to writing in Arabic - they did this in a white pastel and then create resistance art by painting over it in water colours. The children then explained why the word given might be used to describe a God. 

Winners of the 2020 Poetry Recital 

Class 4 Winner 2020 - Rory performing ‘Goodbye to a Young Solider’

Still image for this video

Runner Up - Jenson performing ‘Dad’s Old Tin Whistle’

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Runner Up - Tabitha performing

Still image for this video
Class 4 have worked very hard as a group to create this amazing painting! It is based on the war artist, Thomas Lea’s, painting ‘The Two Thousand Yard Stare.’ The children each painted a section to create the overall image; the main skills they focused on were painting fine details and colour mixing! 
In RE we have been learning about the ‘Nature of God’, linked to this we have been learning about the trinity in Christianity.  Please read our poems we have written based around the trinity! 
WW2 Soldier Letters 
Class 4 wrote some excellent letter based around the music video ‘Black Swan Song’ by Athlete. Please read a selection of them above! 



Today we had the pleasure of meeting the artist Katie Lalji(via Zoom), who paints jute bags for a living.  In class we are creating a large painting of a WW2 soldier (watch this space) using acrylic paints; Katie paints all of her bags with acrylics, so she was able to give us some excellent advice and tips for working with this type of paint!


If you would like to know more about her products, please click the link below to see her designs.



We have moved our descriptive writing on to focus on the following music video:


This is also linked to our topic of WW2, we can't wait to share some of our writing with you!



Look at our beautiful display! Each child in the class has identified some targets for the year, these are all things they want to work on in school. 🌹



In Class 4 we are focusing our English work around the animation 'The Invention of Love' at the minute - watch it here:



Invention of Love 2010 Animated Short Film YouTube

The Invention of Love
