

CofE Primary School

Warcop CofE Primary School

Together we celebrate our individuality, supporting each other to learn, grow and flourish.
" We lift our eyes to the hills, from where does my help come?" Psalm 121

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Mrs Linsley 2015-2017

Spring Term 2015

This term we will be looking at the artist Leonardo da Vinci, In particular, the Mona Lisa and the Baptism of Christ. You can find more information about these paintings on the link below.


Have a look t the work in Classes 3 and 4. Class 3 have completed an enlarged jigsaw of the painting and Class 4 are working on recreating a "pop art" version.


RE Lessons for Classes 2 and 3

This term the children in Classes 2 and 3 will be thinking about what it means to remember. This will link into our memorial project later in the term. As a starting point we will be reading the following poem by J. Brainard.

I remember the only time I ever saw my mother cry. I was eating apricot pie.
I remember how much I used to stutter.
I remember the first time I saw television. Lucille Ball was taking ballet lessons.
I remember Aunt Cleora who lived in Hollywood. Every year for Christmas she sent my brother and me a joint present of one book.
I remember a very poor boy who had to wear his sister’s blouses to school.
I remember shower curtains with angel fish on them.
I remember very old people when I was very young. Their houses
smelled funnv.
I remember daydreams of being a singer all alone on a big stage with no scenery, just one spotlight on me, singing my heart out, and moving my audience to total tears of love and affection.
I remember waking up somewhere once and there was a horse staring me in the face.
I remember saying “thank you” in reply to “thank you” and then the other person doesn’t know what to say.
I remember how embarrassed I was when other children cried.
I remember one very hot summer day I put ice cubes in my aquarium and all the fish died.
I remcmber not understanding why people on the other side of the world didn’t fall off

Art Lessons for Classes 1 and 4 Autumn 2014


This term Classes 1 and 4 will be learning about the artist JWM Turner. More information can be found about him on:
